Brush Stroke

How these dog breeds can help you cope with depression

Brush Stroke


It can cause severe symptoms, affecting how people think, feel, handle daily activities and tasks, and perceive the world around them.

Brush Stroke

Dogs and depression

The beneficial effects of pets have also been significant when it comes to treating depression.

Brush Stroke

Dogs and depression

Dogs help their humans to get out of the house and meet new people, which can go a long way in relieving the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies depression.


Brush Stroke

Dogs and depression

Dogs can even work as service animals, providing emotional support in settings such as hospitals, schools, and nursing homes.

Brush Stroke

Dog breeds

Click through to learn which dog breeds take the cake for helping ease the burden of depression.

Brush Stroke

Border collie

This dog is perfect for anyone struggling with motivation to stay active, as they are incredibly high-energy dogs.

Brush Stroke

Cavalier King Charles spaniel

This gentle dog is affectionate, easygoing, and has a medium energy level.

Brush Stroke

Golden retriever

They are generally good tempered and laid-back, making them a great breed if you have kids or other pets.

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