Brush Stroke

Hidden Homes You’ll Want to Look Twice At

Brush Stroke

Camouflaged amid the dunes

Secluded on 20 acres in the heart of the Yucca Valley, California, the property is surrounded by weathered boulders, ancient juniper trees, desert oaks and native piñon pines.

Brush Stroke

Clever use of space

Compact, it measures just 1,250 square feet and comes with two bedrooms, a single bathroom, a kitchen and an open-plan living room with a dining zone.

Brush Stroke

Edgeland House, Texas, USA

Upon first glance, this small grassy mound appears rather uninteresting, but look closely and you might be able to spot one of the world's most camouflaged homes.


Brush Stroke

Dunlap Hollow Cave, Ohio, USA

You might need to take a closer look to spot these cleverly concealed properties. Taking seclusion to the extreme, some hidden homes blend completely into their surrounding.

Brush Stroke

Treehouse in the sky, Virginia, USA

This stunning forest home seems to blend into the surrounding woods. The Treehouse in the Sky, a Virginia wood property, is raised above the forest floor to conserve wildlife.

Brush Stroke

Sol to Soul cabin, California, USA

Hidden at the base of a soaring peak formed from huge boulders, the wonderful white house is almost invisible in its rugged setting.

Brush Stroke

Habitat Troglodita Almagruz, Spain

Spain is known for its unique cave homes and this one in the Andalucía region might just be one of the country's finest.

Brush Stroke

Waterfront cottage,USA

Aptly named The Cottage at Long Pond, the 1,585-square-foot residence benefits from 385 feet of direct waterfront access and a rustic yet cozy interior.

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