Brush Stroke

Best cat breeds for first-time owners

Brush Stroke


If you're looking for a cat that is both cuddly and talkative, a Siamese may be the one for you. The Siamese has an unforgettable voice, with a raspy yowl that can be quite loud

Brush Stroke

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are as big in size as they are in personality. These giant cats love families and love being around their people. They may be big, but they're gentle giants

Brush Stroke

Scottish Fold

With folded-down ears and a highly adaptable nature, the Scottish Fold is an adorable, easy-going cat that would be a great fit for new cat owners.


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Just look at that face! With a low activity level and a luscious coat, the Persian is certainly a striking cat that may draw the attention of a first-time cat owner's eye.

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Bengals are beautiful cats, and they are as active as they are striking. They are confident, but devoted cats, so they'll be happy to greet people who enter your home.

Brush Stroke

Russian Blue

Russian Blues are gentle and loyal cats that tend to bond very closely with their family - they can be a bit shy around strangers. They are very susceptible to the mood of their owners

Brush Stroke

Domestic Shorthair

Domestic Shorthairs are cats of mixed ancestry that don't fall under a particular breed, but they're often called that by rescues and shelters.

Brush Stroke


Sphynx cats are very cuddly and affectionate and are considered social butterflies. They love to play and love to get attention from their owners or visitors

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