Or rather, as Jules Howard, a zoologist and the author of Wonderdog, says: “Think about the eyebrow as being composed of different sets of muscles.
Howard believes Williams-Beuren is a rare disease that renders one in 18,000 extraordinarily sociable. The mammalian gene collection shows DNA insertions in dogs but not wolves.
Everybody believes their dog has a guilt face and that it explains their poor behavior, but they're more likely interpreting your anger signal and seeing themselves as the victim.
I spend a lot of time watching bros on TikTok who find abused dogs tied up underneath trailers, then restore them to their natural state of joy.
“We know this as a fact,” says Robert Alleyne, a dog behaviourist. “There are dogs who can detect epilepsy; there are cancer bio-detection dogs.”
“Dogs have a part of the brain that’s very good at pack recognition,” Howard says. This can span long periods of absence – years, even.
“All of us could get better at reading dogs,” Howard says. “We’re really good at reading one another, but dogs are like us – they’ve evolved to be really expressive.
According to neurologist Jaak Panksepp, dogs' panting laugh-like sound is presented to other canines.